Thursday, April 07, 2011

Call for Composers and Librettists: The Tapestry New Opera 2011 LibLab

One of the most difficult but ultimately satisfying things that one can achieve as a composer or writer is the herculean feat of writing an opera. Few are the composers who have not fallen under its spell at some time in their lives.

But many questions remain for both writers and composers: how on earth do you learn to create such a wonderful work of art? How do you find a librettist who can feed you the story you need? How do you find a composer you can trust to make your words come to life? Under what circumstances can you create a viable working process between the two of you?

And above all: where on earth can you go to actually learn the trade of writing an opera from people who actually know what they're talking about and who create operas on a regular basis?

You go to Toronto's Tapestry New Opera.

Yes, the 2011 running of the Composer/Librettist Laboratory is happening from August 22 to September 1, and Tapestry is looking for four writers and four composers who are eager to take the plunge and start the ball rolling on the next round of opera creation both at Tapestry and across North America.

Submissions are due on April 30, 2011. You can get full submission information from this pdf file, from which the following information is especially important:
Please do not staple or bind submissions in any way. Submissions should be on paper that is 8.5 x 11, single sided. Preference for submissions of scores is unbound and copied on 8.5 x 11 paper. Preference for excerpts from published works from writers is unbound and copied onto 8.5 x 11 paper. Please provide ONE copy of written materials and TWO copies of scores, cd’s and writing samples.

All applicants please submit:

1. A cover letter that includes your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address & website (if applicable).
2. A resume or CV outlining your professional experience and relevant academic and professional training.
3. A one-page description stating your interest in participating and why you would benefit from the program. This may be included as part of the cover letter.
4. For applicants who do not yet have a known body of work, a letter of reference from a professional in the field. This may be included in your application or sent under separate cover directly to Tapestry.

Composers – In addition to one copy of #1 through #4 above, please submit:

-Two samples of your work, including scores and recordings, with at least one sample of work written for the voice.
-Two copies of each score and recording are required.

Writers – In addition to one copy of #1 through #4 above, please submit two copies each of:

-Two samples of your work, including an excerpt from a dramatic work for the stage, to a maximum of 20 pages in total.
-Two copies of each sample are required.

Submissions must be postmarked on or before the submission deadline.

Deadline for Submissions: April 30 2011
Notification Date: approximately six weeks after the submission deadline

Submissions should be directed to the Attention of:
Ms. Susan Worthington, Producing Director
Tapestry New Opera
55 Mill Street, Bldg # 58 Studio 316
Toronto, ON M5A 3C4

For More Information Please Contact:
Susan Worthington, Producing Director
416 537- 6066 ext 225 / liblab [at] tapestrynewopera dot com
Once again, I'll be one of the pianists in the workshop and will play roughly half of the works which are written in the frantic 10 days of fevered artistic creation. Best of luck to everyone who is applying and thanks for supporting the renaissance of operatic creation in North America!

1 comment:

  1. is one great blog, congractulations...
    following my blog...

    Good Lucky!!!!
