Monday, February 25, 2008

The Berlin Philharmonic Cello Challenge Online Game

Here's a great game for all those wannabe cellists: the Berlin Philharmonic's Cello Challenge. Use your mouse to follow the bow of a cellist playing Saint-Saƫns' The Swan and learn a bit about bowspeed and direction in the process. I found that the thrill of staying on track and achieving a high score was only matched by the fun of making some truly dreadful scraping sounds when my mouse got off track with the bow. My highest score to date is 3725 3870--play and post your scores below.

(Via Musical Assumptions)


  1. Anonymous1:39 AM

    3751, first shot (and I'm a percussionist!)

  2. Andrew, percussionists tend to have better timing and coordination than most of us pianists, and also get plenty of practice bowing those vibes and cymbals.

  3. Anonymous5:10 PM

    got 4,023
