Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Blogging, Parenthood, and....a DMA in Collaborative Piano

An article by Katie Dean in today's Madison Capital-Times highlights some blogging moms in Madison, Wisconsin. And who might be featured in the article but a collaborative pianist, Susan Gaeddert of Madtown Mama:

She said the blog helped with the transition of becoming a stay at home mom for the first time.

"It's a huge adjustment. I was used to being around other musicians and other adults," said Gaeddert, who is working toward her doctorate in collaborative piano [at the University of Wisconsin-Madison]. "It's a way of being in touch with the adult world -- even if it's just cyberspace."

I've been reading Madtown Mama for a while and have found it a great combination of the momosphere, knitosphere, and CP-osphere.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this link ... her blog is great. You know, if you don't knit already, maybe you would enjoy it ... I would be happy to teach you (I don't live far away!) ;)
