Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The 2022 Edition of The Royal Conservatory's Piano Syllabus and Celebration Series Launches this Wednesday at Koerner Hall in Toronto

Every seven years, The Royal Conservatory launches a new edition of its Piano Syllabus and Celebration Series in order to reflect new directions in piano pedagogy and to refresh the many selections available for developing pianists to learn.

The kickoff event for the new series and syllabus is Music Lights the Way on Wednesday, April 27 in Koerner Hall at The Royal Conservatory in Toronto. Pianists appearing include Steward Goodyear, Lang Lang, Angela Hewitt, Jan Lisiecki, Tony Yike Yang, Heather Schmidt, and Dianne Werner-Simon. 

The in-person event is sold out, but you can still register to watch the livestream online

One of the highlights of this event is an announcement that the RCM will be gifting more than 400,000 physical copies of the Celebration Series, Sixth Edition to teachers across North America. 

Yes, you read that correctly. Stay tuned over the coming days for more information on how you can redeem your copies. 

I'll be posting more articles over the coming months on the new series and how it can inform your teaching. For now, here are a few of the works newly introduced to the Celebration Series that I'm really excited about and are going to have tremendous value for both teachers and students.

From the Level 8 repertoire book, From Moanin' Pines by Harry Burleigh, played by Julia Scott Carey:

From the Level 10 repertoire book, Troubled Water by Margaret Bonds, played by Samantha Ege:

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