Today was the first day of tech week in the Baillie Theatre with sets, costumes, and lighting. Last night's rehearsal with the orchestra went well, and was the first hearing of the six operas' orchestrations. An article in today's Toronto Star by John Terauds featured interviews with composers Darren Fung and Andrew Staniland on the creative process involved in writing their works for Opera To Go. And it was a pleasant surprise to hear that OTG soprano Carla Huhtanen is (or was) a blogger, although her lulu's jam-smash jamboree is of the travel rather than the operatic sort.
And last but not least, our aging Compaq (circa 2000) having finally given up the ghost, Wendy and I took delivery of our new pristine Dell earlier this week. No more stalling and freezing...Image hosted by TO Live with Culture
Hallelujah! Praise the computer gods!