Monday, December 26, 2005

Boffo Boxing Day

Well, Christmas has come and gone for another year, with Wendy, the girls and I all having a wonderful time, as well as bouts of the flu. Fortunately, my version wasn't so bad since the girls needed a fair amount of, shall we say, cleaning up in the last few days.

I have discovered a newfound addiction to Sudoku, and my youngest girl Emma (16 months) has just discovered a taste for chocolate of the rather expensive variety. Perhaps I'll have to wait a few years before I introduce her to the really good stuff.

Season's greetings to Noble Viola, on whose fine weblog I recently found the CPB listed. And additional season's greetings to the legions of viewers from The Well-Tempered Blog, one of the most informative online sources of piano-related news and resource links on the planet, and the concert, whose creator shows that writing a blog with honesty and candor can easily complement building a career on the concert stage.

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