If you're teaching piano these days, chances are you're going to be working with kids that are on the autism spectrum. These amazing videos come via Indrani Wikkramatilleke, who as an autism consultant, would be more than happy to answer your questions (see her Facebook page for more info).
Lesley Stahl talks with Temple Grandin, one of the leading voices in the autism field. If you haven't heard about Temple Grandin, you should definitely be looking into her groundbreaking work in this field.
Thanks for these videos. I am the mom of two boys with autism, I also teacher piano fulltime. A lot of kids on the spectrum can be taught quite the same as neurotypical kids.
ReplyDeleteThere is a great piano program out there for those teachers who might be approached by parents especially if their child is moderate to low functioning. Even if you cannot take on such a student, it's a good resource to give these parents. It's called The Young Method. I am not affiliated with the program. I just happen to know a lot of parents of kids with special needs. The link is http://www.innovativepiano.com/The-Young-Method-Series.html
I have been working with a little guy and we are making some progress. We'll aim for Carnegie Hall, but will be ok playing for Grandma too! :o) Thanks again for this post! Love your blog.
Thanks for these. I have taught an autistic child in a group setting for five years; we're transitioning to private lessons this fall (she'll be in Grade 2 piano). I'm really looking forward to any other videos/help you post.