Thursday, May 24, 2012

Help Ensemble Meme Record the Piano Chamber Works of Gabriela Lena Frank

A Kickstarter project from Ensemble Meme aims to record several works for piano and chamber ensemble by Gabriela Lena:
We are trying to complete our recording of a fabulous CD which features world-premiere, never recorded chamber music works by the brilliant composer Gabriela Lena Frank. So far we have recorded a portion of the disc, thanks to generous contributions from the Copland Recording Grant and our donors. However, we need your help in order to complete this CD! Please watch our video, where you will see Molly and Gabi in person, and sample a little bit of the beautiful music on this disc, performed by Barry and Molly live.
Our story began with Molly, our pianist, who met Gabi, a wonderful composer at the John Harbison/Dawn Upshaw Workshop at Carnegie Hall in 2004. They bonded both musically and on their views of life and living over rehearsals and meals shared during those weeks. A strong friendship ensued. And during a sushi meal in Berkeley a few years back, this recording project was born.
The works on this CD include: Tres Homenajes: Compadrazgo (For Piano Quintet), Sueños de Chambi: Snapshots for an Andean Album (For Flute and Piano), Canto de Harawi: “Amadeoso” (For Flute, Clarinet, and Piano), Sonata Andina (For Solo Piano), and a brand new work for piano four hands that Gabi will join in with Molly!

Molly Morkoski talks with Gabriela about their collaborative process so far:

The deadline for contributions is June 15 and the recording is already 27% funded as of this evening. Lots of promotions await those who donate, including dedication rights, house concerts, coachings, instruments,CDs and digital downloads.

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