Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Speedlinking - 20 May 2009

Here is the latest batch of interesting links I've found and mentioned on Twitter:


  1. I'm not sure a run-of-the-mill first-lady speech means the "arts are once again front and center in the U.S." I'm not sure the arts ever were front and center in the U.S., or even what that means; it's true that the NY Times likes the Obamas a lot more than they did the Bushes, so they're more likely to pay attention when she talks. (If Michelle Obama played the piano like Condoleezza Rice, we'd never stop hearing about it.) Laura Bush was actually an eloquent advocate for and appreciator of the arts.

  2. Thanks for the great comment, Michael. I would argue that Arts & Culture are an integral sector of the economy in both the US and Canada, and it is politicians of all stripes who are often at fault for not realizing the size and potential of this growing industry.
