Whether we wish to become a performing artist, a well-rounded musician, or even just a dabbler in all things musical, our activities don't stop at practicing our instrument, showing up for weekly lessons, and playing in the odd recital or competition. Music is but one part in the larger world of the arts and culture, and if we want to reap the benefits of participation in the artistic process, it is not merely healthy, but necessary to experience what the rest of the arts have to offer. For those seeking a career in music, the intersection of different forms of art is what can nourish us, and often questions we have about one discipline can be answered by what we find in another.
Here are some activities that it is worthwhile to experience in order to get a full grounding in the arts:
- Going to concerts and operas
- Listening to recordings
- Watching great performances on YouTube
- Going to art galleries and other venues featuring the visual arts
- Developing an interest in reading, especially in the fields of the novel, short story, and poetry
- Going to the theatre
- Seeing ballet and modern dance
- Experiencing works featuring new media
- Seeing important works of architecture, both old and new
One of the great developments I have noticed in the last few years is that there are many more ways to participate in the creative process than there have been in the past. Why just observe an art form when you can start doing it for yourself? Follow your
muse and you can start to feel the connection between your work in the practice room to the larger world of arts and culture.
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Excellent post with some great points on the different dimensions of the performing arts. As a musician, you need to dabble in a little bit of everything to find out what you really like. Check out my blog if you get a chance: http://officiallessonsontheweb.blogspot.com/