Thursday, June 01, 2006

Is it real or is it....

Via Alex Ross: The Rest is Noise and stephen brookes: portfolio, a link to the "blog" of pianist Lang Lang, allegedly translated from the original Chinese by the Lang Lang Classical Club. Here is one of my favorite parts from last Thursday's post:

Due to my preparation, I was in full confidence of this performance. During the performance, every piece that I played earned passionate applauses from the audience. My music took them by heart! My music conquered them! Their passionate response was the best proof!

Ah yes...I have felt that same way on many an occasion.

There is even a quote by George Bush from Lang Lang's visit to Washington:

Hey buddy! Come more often to the White House and try our chef’s special!

I'm not too sure on this blog's provenance, but let's hope there are more than just a few postings, as it does make for some rather interesting reading in spite of the slightly purple prose.

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