Tuesday, January 10, 2006

More on career options

In the May 1998 Piano Pedagogy Forum, the late Talmage Fauntleroy wrote an article on career options for pianists in the field of opera. Of college-level pianists he wonders:

Are they all hoping for that very rare career as a solo concert artist? In too many cases, the answer is yes. Do most college-level pianists even know the odds against them for reaching this goal? Was the career objective to become a solo artist chosen after carefully investigating the career possibilities for a pianist, or was this decision the result of a narrow vision of what career possibilities exist for good keyboard artists?


I've been updating yesterday's list of career options in collaborative piano, although the list is nowhere near complete. If you've done anything in this wild and wonderful field that isn't accounted for in the list, do post a comment and I'll add it to the list.


Also, if you teach at or have studied in a school with a collaborative piano degree or diploma program not yet mentioned on the degree programs list, feel free to either email me or post a comment and I'll add your school to the list.

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