Friday, April 23, 2010

Ultimate Wedding Mishap Contest Winners

The winners of Opera Atelier's Ultimate Wedding Mishap Contest just been announced. Sheila Sky and Sophie Bisson will both receive 2 tickets to the April 28th performance of The Marriage of Figaro for their hilarious 140-word contributions. Here is what Sheila wrote:
Power failure at city hall. Minister a no show. Married by rabbi instead, but who cares, it was dark. 22 years later still married.
Sophie's submission:
Greek Otis waits at the altar. Indian Padma, an hour late. Malaise and scuttlebutt. Padma locked in vestry. Priest beseeching she converts.
A huge thanks goes to Opera Atelier for making these tickets available. You can find out more about OA's upcoming production here.

And finally, the classic internet viral video of a timeless wedding and best man FAIL:

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